Global Partners In Sustainable Asphalt Technologies
RAETEX Doha is a manufacturing company that provides innovative, sustainable technologies and products to the road paving, road maintenance and specialized coating industries.
Partnering with local firms in select countries in the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe, RAETEX introduces and markets its exclusive technologies to government agencies as well as the private construction industry.
Quality, not quantity

Consistent quality, long-term trust, and dedicated research and development form the core tenants of our operation. Find out more about RAETEX technology and its focus on quality, trust and R&D here.
Tailor made

Bitumen modification is a highly specialized field that often requires technical support throughout the supply chain. RAETEX understands the need for transparency and ongoing collaboration with clients in order to ensure the highest end-performance of its products. Find out more about how RAETEX tailors its modified binders to individual project requirements here.
Playing our role

Over 150 world leaders gathered in December 2015 and agreed on a new global agenda for tackling climate change and developing sustainably. Both the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the global deal on climate change are set to chart a new path for human development into the future. Learn more about RAETEX’s position on sustainability here.